S-TEC 60-PSS Autopilot
Part No: 60-PSS
S-TEC 60-PSS Autopilot
Pitch Stabilization System
The System Sixty is an economical autopilot with three ATI-size, panel-mounted mode selector/programmer/annunciators. System Sixty PSS can be installed as a stand-alone pitch-axis autopilot and can complement any brand of existing roll axis autopilot. Not dependent on aircraft altimeter or attitude gyro, system inputs are derived from solid-state absolute pressure transducer and an accelerometer.
Added Safety: For VFR pilots who want the added safety of pitch control.
Single-Axis: Altitude (System 30 ALT) or altitude, vertical speed, and GS coupling (System 60 PSS).
Cost-Efficient: Ideal for pilots on a budget.
Optional Automatic Electric Pitch Trim: Reduces pilot workload during transitions from autopilot to hand flying.
Off Switch - Disables autopilot (A/P activated by pressing VS or ALT functions); smoothly holds existing altitude when engaged
VS (Vertical Speed) - Holds existing vertical speed when engaged
ALT (Altitude Hold) - Holds existing altitude when engaged
GS - Indicates glideslope coupling armed and/or active
UP/DN Buttons - Used to command vertical speed changes: 160 FPM change for each second button is depressed. In altitude hold mode (ALT), buttons trim altitude by 20’ of altitude for each second button is depressed
Pitch Trim Annunciator - When TRIM is lit, system is annunciating an out of-trim condition, and UP/DN buttons will indicate direction to adjust pitch trim
Pitch Axis Computer Three ATI Case-Contained
- Pitch Stabilization System
- Stand Alone or Add On to Existing Roll Axis Autopilot
- Panel Mounted Programmer - Remote Computer
- Remote-mounted pitch computer and absolute transducer
- Automatic pitch synchronization at engagement
- Altitude Hold with Altitude Trim
- Glideslope Coupling
- Vertical Speed Command
- Pitch Trim Annunciation